Taking on Trump

Attorney General Lisa Madigan is on the front lines of the fight against the turbulent Trump administration’s disregard for the rule of law. Lisa and other Democratic Attorneys General are holding the administration accountable to the people of their states. Lisa Madigan has also worked in Springfield to pass legislation to protect Illinoisans from the terrible policies coming out of Washington.

  • Filed lawsuits against the U.S. Department of Education for gutting important reforms needed to rein in predatory for-profit colleges and abuses in student lending and servicing practices.
  • After Secretary Betsy DeVos eliminated important Obama-era protections for students, Lisa initiated and championed a Student Loan Bill of Rights in Illinois.
  • Fighting for a fair an open internet after the FCC’s illegal rollback of net neutrality rules.
  • Working to safeguard our environment by filing numerous lawsuits against the U.S. EPA for failing to enforce the Clean Air Act and stopping the implementation of the Clean Power Plan. In addition, Lisa joined the “We Are Still In” coalition with officials across the country in support of the Paris Climate to combat global warming and climate change.
  • When the President sought to break up families by rescinding DACA, Lisa joined a lawsuit to protect DREAMers, took legal action to protect funding for “Sanctuary Cities,” and launched a “Know Your Rights” Campaign for immigrant communities and provided guidance to law enforcement.
  • Successfully blocked each version of the administration’s unconstitutional travel bans.
  • As instances of hate spiked throughout our communities, Lisa worked with advocates and the legislature to strengthen the Illinois Hate Crimes Act.
  • Defending our civil rights laws in court by arguing that discrimination based on sexual orientation is prohibited under Title VII and defending protections for transgendered students.
  • Fighting in court for the preservation of Obamacare and contraceptive coverage for women.
  • Acting as a consumer watchdog by fighting against the decimation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), an office that AG Madigan fought hard to create.


IssuesMichelle Young